Rubrics + Google Classroom

September 28, 2017

Today I discovered the true power of Google Apps for Education.
Let me introduce you to my new friends, Doctopus and Goobric.
As a first year teacher, and with little practical experience working with Google Classroom, it has taken me a couple tries to figure out how to grade with a rubric in Classroom assignments. Until today.
First, shout out to Brett Petrillo (@BrettPetrillo) for the video that very easily walked me through setting this all up.

This accomplishes so many things in one swoop. You can attach a rubric to the Google Doc. You can assess work with a rubric. You can add comments. You can move between documents easily.
Catlin Tucker has also wrote about how she uses Doctopus and Goobric in her classroom. Read those here and here.
How are you assessing student work in Google Classroom?

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