Word of the Year: Intentional.

August 14, 2018

On the eve of a new school year (my second), my thoughts have swelled around what the next year will look like. My PLN is filled with literally thousands of ideas I could try. Dozens of books fill my Amazon “teacher books” list. And my planbook is currently sitting open to a blank calendar, ready to be filled.
I intentionally spent the first part of summer reflecting on my first year of teaching. I made it out alive, so I hereby declare that it is a success. *cue to confetti*
As I started to look towards what I wanted to do the next year, I kept coming back to the “small things” that are part of our job -- those tiny details that help our students find success. I thought about how I could bring more inquiry into my classroom and offer more choice for my students. I read a lot of books about inquiry. I thought about how to empower my students in their learning. I read a lot about visible learning. Do you see the pattern?
When the end of July popped up on the calendar, I started to focus on what my “word” of the 2018-2019 school year would be (I suppose that’s just my STUCO brain at work because I love a good theme). I decided that my word would be INTENTIONAL.
There are a lot of things that I want to be “intentional” about, but really that word represents slowing down (as much as possible) and focusing on my students as living, breathing humans.
So, the areas that I want to be more intentional:
INTENTIONAL ABOUT INQUIRY. Let’s ask more questions and then chase down those answers. Maybe we can share out what we find along the way?
INTENTIONAL ABOUT STRUCTURE. Let’s develop assessment capable learners, who can drive their own learning and see how they can get better on their own. Let’s develop (and stick with 😅) routines that help our classroom run smoothly.
INTENTIONAL ABOUT KINDNESS. This is the battle I will always take up arms for.
INTENTIONAL ABOUT CELEBRATING. Learning is F-U-N! Making progress is fun! Let’s celebrate when students grow, and let’s celebrate how awesome our teammates are.
Ah, I feel an incredible year ahead. I’m excited to meet my new 405 crew and see where the year takes us. What's your word for the new school year? What are you focusing on?

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